Sunday 27 September 2020

Importance of Warming-Up | Warm Up Exercises 2020

Meaning of Warming-up

Warming-up is usually performed to do an activity in the most refined and efficient way. it 18 a short-term activity and it is done prior to any competition or training. It helps the sportsperson to prepare physically, mentally, and physiologically for any type of training or competition.


In fact, it is necessary to prepare those muscles, which are involved in that specific activity, sport, or game. If proper warming-up is done, muscles become ready to respond efficiently. It is a process in which muscles are warmed-up by running, jogging, and indulging in some freehand exercises prior to the training or competition. 

Importance of Warming-Up

This preparation before competition or training is called warming-up. The following definitions may help to know more about warming-up.

  1. "Warming up is a practice in itself."
  2. "Warming-up is done to tone up the body so as to meet the ensuing activity."
  3. "Warming up consists of a series of preparatory exercises either before a training session or competition."
  4. "Warming-up is a process of heating the whole body by running and performing exercises prior to the activity or competition."
  5. "Warming-up is a preliminary exercise of physical and mental preparation for a strenuous exertion."
  6. "Warming-up is a process by which the human-machine is brought to a condition at which it safely responds to the nerve impulses of the person for quick and efficient action."
  7. De Vries concludes in his research study that warming-up increases the temperature of blood, and muscles improve the performance.
  8. Hill says that "if the normal temperature of the body is decreased slightly, the reaction time will be increased, contractile time will also be increased and extension of muscles will be less and if body temperature is increased than normal temperature, then contractile force and speed of muscles will be increased."

It can be concluded that warming-up includes certain exercises, which are performed before training or competition to prepare well physically, mentally, and psychologically. Research scholars and physical educationists are divided on the issue of warming-up. Some of them hold the opinion that warming-up before performing an activity is not essential. 

They advocate that warming-up before an activity is useless and further aver that it is merely a wastage of energy as well as time. They also say that warming up lays obstacles in the way of peak performance. The number of persons who think along these lines is very limited. But on the other hand, there are a number of scholars and physical educators who are of the opinion that warming-up before an activity, game, or sport is essential. 

They say that warming-up is valuable in many ways but indiscriminate warming-up is a wastage of energy. Warming-up should be specific to the activity being performed. It can be easily observed that if proper warming-up is not done before competition or training, the muscles are torn and damaged. It further leads to temporary or permanent inefficiency and disability. Such incidents usually occur in playfields. 

For example, if we take part in a triple jump without warm-up, we may face serious injury, such as ankle injury, knee injury, or leg injury, etc. Most often, it is also observed that all the players of football, hockey, basketball, handball, tennis, badminton, etc., perform some exercises for getting warmed- up before the start of the game. 

This shows that warming-up helps in the beginning stages of their respective games. It is also seen that if a basketball player tries to shoot the ball in the ring without proper warming-up, he/she may miss the target. Indeed, warming-up reduces the chances of making mistakes in the game. 

Therefore, most scholars and physical educators are in favor of intensive warming-up before participating in any event, game, or sports. It enhances the performance of sportspersons.

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Types of Warming-up

1. Passive Warming-up

The main aim of passive warming-up is to increase body temperature without performing any physical activity. In passive warming-up, the body temperature is increased Usually by external means such as by wearing a heavy uniform, massage, hot water, steam sunlight, hot drinks, etc. 

Performing passive warm-up by these means is beneficial because there is no expenditure of energy in the process of warming-up. However, active warming up is necessary for getting good results along with passive warm-up.

Warm Up Exercises

2. Active Warming-up

Inactive warming-up, a sportsman takes part in various physical activities. These activities increase his/her working efficiency. Muscles are toned-up. The temperature of the body increases up to the required level Jogging and stretching exercises are included in such type of warming-up.

There are two types of active warming-up, viz. general warming-up and specific warming up. These are described below.

  1. General Warming-up: General warming-up is usually performed in all ty pes of activities. This type of warming up includes jogging, running, jumping, stretching. calisthenics, striding, wind sprints, and other general exercises. 
It increases coordinative abilities, and flexibility of muscles and joints. It also improves muscle tone. The duration of general warming up depends upon the nature of work to be performed.
  1. Specific Warming-up: In specific warming-up, exercises are done with implements. Special exercises are performed which have a direct relationship with the activity to be done. These specific exercises are performed after the activities of general warming-up. The specific type of warming-up differs from activity to activity or game to game. 

For example, a sprinter may take few starts and run for short distance before the actual competition. A basketball player may practise for lay up shots or free throws before the competition. This type of warming up improves the coordinative abılities.


In fact, in specific warming-up, the main stress is laid down on the practice of various skills to be performed in the game. The exercises, which are usually performed in specific warming-up, are described subsequently according to the concerned game.


    • Cricket: Bowling, catching, batting, fielding, etc.
    • Badminton: Forward bending, sideways bending, backward bending, body twisting exercises, etc.
    • Basketball: Dribbling, shooting, lay-up shots, shuttle run, dodging, free throws, etc.
    • Lawn Tennis: Wall practice, service practice, passing shots, knocking, etc.
    • Shot Put: Shifting the shot from left hand to right hand and vice versa, standing throws, putting the shot with both hands, gliding practice with or without a shot, etc.
    • Hockey: Dribbling, rotation of stick, stopping the ball with a stick, short passes, long hits, scoop, etc.

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Methods of Warming-up

General Method

  1. Jogging: Every athlete should perform jogging or slow running for 5 to 10 minutes to increase body temperature. For young ones, it may be for 3 to 5 minutes. Jogging should be started out slowly and then gradually the speed should be increased to its completion.
  2. Simple Exercises: After jogging, simple exercises should be done from a relaxed position. The exercises should be performed from simple to complex. It means that simple exercises should be done first and complex exercises afterward.
  3. Striding: It means covering a distance with long strides. These strides are long, i.e., the steps should be stretched out but not too much. Knees should go high, the body should lean forward and arms should be in running position, The distance of running should not be more than 50 meters. Four to eight repetitions can be performed.
  4. Stretching Exercises: Stretching is one of the most critical parts of warm-up and of an athlete's performance. A more flexible muscle is stronger and healthier, A stronger and healthier muscle responds better to exercise and activities and helps in preventing athletic injuries.
  5. Wind Sprints: This is the last part of warming up. It is usually done with spikes on. In wind sprints, the distance of 25 to 30 m may be covered. There can be 4 to 8 repetitions depending on age, sex, and experience of the sportsperson.

warm up

Warming-up with Warm Water

Warm-up with warm water is usually done in developed countries. Taking shower is also used for getting prepared for swimming, synchronized swimming, Waterpolo, and diving.

Warm-up through Massage

This method is an old method of warm-up. It was used in India by wrestlers to get warmed up. This method of massage was good for curing some injuries of muscles. However, it is not applicable now.

By Hot Drinks

Some people take a cup of tea or coffee and get themselves warm-up, but it is not considered a good method. As a matter of fact, it has been discarded on the basis of scientific experiments.

Through Sunbath

the body can be properly warmed up through a sunbath up to some extent, but in most of the sports, this method of warming-up is not usually applied.

Through Steambath

The body can be warmed-up through a steam bath. Energy can be saved through steam bathing but this method of warming-up is not used frequently.

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Importance of Warming-up

Most of the eminent educationists and exercise physiologists are of the opinion that warming-up is essential for attaining better performance in the field of sports and games. The importance of warming-up is described below.


  1. Increases the Body Temperature: A proper warming-up increases the body and muscle temperature, So, it is beneficial for sportspersons. Research studies show that if the muscles have been slightly warmed-up just before the activity, the performance is improved. Failure to warm-up before vigorous activity may lead to the tearing of muscle fibers. In fact, if the muscle is warm-up, the speed with which the muscle contracts and relaxes and the force of contraction are all increased.
  2. Decreases the Viscosity of Muscles: Warming-up decreases the viscosity of muscles. Research studies indicate that if a previously inactive muscle is stimulated repeatedly, the first few contractions are often small and irregular and relaxation is incomplete. After this, the contractions become stronger and relaxation is complete. It occurs due to a decrease in the viscosity of muscles. Hence, the rate of muscular contraction and relaxation becomes faster and efficient. The chances of injury or wear and tear of muscles and ligaments are reduced
  3. Increases the Speed of Nerve Impulses: Warming-up increases the speed of nerve impulses, which improves and sharpens the reaction time of sportspersons. Improvement in reaction time is beneficial almost always in all of the games and sports.
  4. Decreases the Resistance in Muscle Capillaries: Research studies also reveal that warming-up decreases the resistance in muscle capillaries.
  5. Increases the Speed of Transfer of Oxygen and Fuel to Tissues: A proper warm-up increases the speed of transfer of oxygen and fuel to tissues. It occurs due to the enhancement of blood flow through the muscles by dilating the small blood vessels. This improves the functional condition of muscle by increasing its oxygen supply.
  6. Increases Metabolic Rate: Warming-up increases the metabolic rate which ultimately enhances energy level. In fact, the metabolic rate increases due to a rise in core temperature. If there is an increase in temperature by 0.5°C, the metabolic rate increases by 7 percent. If the metabolic rate is higher, there will be a higher production of energy.
  7. Reduces Anxiety and Tension: Warm-up is very useful in reducing the anxiety and tension of sportspersons, especially at the time of competition. It is also advantageous as it helps to increase the motivational levels of a sportsperson. 
  8. Enhances Cooling Efficiency: After warming-up, the body 1s able to activate certain mechanisms, which allow it to cool during physical exertion. It means that the sportsperson will not get overly warmed up early at the time of practice or competition.
  9. Reduces the Blood Lactic Acid: Research studies indicate that the heart rate and the consumption of oxygen are directly related to muscle temperature. The higher the temperature, the higher is the consumption of oxygen and heart rate and, thus, the blood lactic acid is reduced.
  10. Avoids Injury: Several scholars claim that failure to warm-up may lead to tearing of muscles. Morehouse and Miller also support this idea. Muscles remain toned up after proper warming-up whereas, without proper warming-up, muscles are loosened. Without proper warming-up, muscles may cramp more frequently. Thus, the danger of injury is reduced when an athlete or sportsperson is completely warmed. up which increases the speed with which he/she is able to react. Injury is a common phenomenon in those who do not perform adequate warming-up before the training period or competition.
  11. Increases the Speed of Muscles: Speed of muscles increases after warming-up. Many scholars advocate that tearing of muscle fibers is common without adequate warming-up. Homola, a physiologist found that "Pulled muscle occurs in the relaxed fibers, those are antagonistic to the contracting fibers." This happens because the relaxed fibers do not respond to the pull suddenly placed on them by the rapidly contracting muscles.
  12. Increases Flexibility: Warming-up increases flexibility but, if proper warming-up is not done, then the body will be less flexible. After warming up, we can exert the force up to maximum reach (distance).
  13. Increases Strength: Warming-up increases strength whereas local heating does not increase strength rather it decreases the strength. There are many studies that indicate that strength can be increased up to some extent by proper warming-up.
  14. Increases Endurance: Some eminent physiologists hold the opinion that warming-up does not increase endurance and speed. But, on the other hand, authentic research studies indicate that a certain type of warming-up increases both speed as well as endurance. Thompson found in his study that formal warming-up exercises improved swimming endurance. Mangel concluded that vigorous warming-up improved performance in the one mile run So we can enhance the endurance if we do proper warming-up prior to training.
  15. Increases Explosive Power: Some well-reputed psychologists connote that warming-up increases explosive power. It is a well-known fact that warm-up increases speed and strength. Due to this fact, it can be averred that warm-up enhances explosive power because explosive power depends upon speed and strength.

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